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Submit your definition of a wobble here:

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  1. A temporary diversion in a journey. You may enjoy it.

  2. A temporary suspension of composure, even nothing may have changed in reality, inside you suddenly lose faith, before you revert back.

  3. Almost falling over

  4. A panic feeling out of control

  5. A sense of losing balance, or regaining balance. Physical/ mental

  6. Unable to stay still

  7. Gone Wrong

  8. Going upside down

  9. The body’s normal righting reaction

  10. Physical act of trying to stand still

  11. When you lose your balance and try to catch yourself

  12. When your body gets unstable and you start to fall

  13. A (big/small) deviation from where you should be

  14. An unintentional mistake- not quite as planned

  15. When you almost fall over

  16. When you sway side to side on accident

  17. When something doesn’t go completely how you wanted or planned

  18. When I trip on flat ground

  19. Temporary deviation from the norm

  20. Balance shifting away from the centre or in behaviour, shifting away from normal actions

  21. Trying to balance

  22. A worry

  23. Your body trying to maintain balance

  24. Self-doubt

  25. A mistake that leads to correction

  26. A wobble is a wobble

  27. The movement of an almost set jelly

  28. When things don’t go as planned

  29. An inconsistency, usually in balance which leads to vibrations or waves

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